
Prof. Pfeiffer is the receiver of the Medal “Röntgen-Plakette”

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mödder (Vors. Röntgenmuseum), Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer, Annette Storsberg (Staatssekretärin im Wissenschaftsministerium NRW), Burkhard Mast-Weisz (Oberbürgermeister Remscheid) and Prof. Dr. Stephan Eisebitt (Laudator, TU Berlin)

Prof. Pfeiffer is the receiver of the Medal “Röntgen-Plakette” at the birth place of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, first Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1901 after he discovered the X-rays in 1895. Today, 50 years after the town of Remscheid started awarding renowned personalities for their research (including several Nobel Prizes), Franz Pfeiffer is selected for his research on phase contrast x-ray imaging. It is anticipated that there will be a significant improvement in diagnosis, specially for lung diseases.

Source of data: Remscheider General-Anzeiger , Sabine Naber. 
Photo by Doro Siewert.